A. A. ALLEN - Was perhaps one of the most important revivalists to emerge during the Voice of Healing revival...

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WILLIAM BRANHAM - Was beyond doubt a man of notable signs and wonders. From birth, supernatural manifestations marked his life…
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WILLIAM AND CATHERINE BOOTH - Grew up in a dark England at the dawn of the industrial revolution. Unemployment, homelessness, labor abuses, and child prostitution were rampant in the British Isles...
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JOHN CALVIN - Took the biblical truths that Wycliffe, Hus, and Luther had brought to light and created a worldwide movement...
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JACK COE - Was an independent and determined force for Christ. He had an unreserved faith in the Word of God...
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JOHN ALEXANDER DOWIE - Shook the world at the turn of the century with his passion for truth and zeal for the work of the Spirit. He brought to to the forefront…
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DAVID du PLESSIS - David du Plessis became the theological backbone of the Charismatic Renewal..
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GEORGE FOX - When the Protestant Reformation seemed to be gaining ground toward the end of the 16th century—George Fox took reform to an entirely new level.
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JOHN HUS - If it can be said that John Wycliffe was the grandfather of the Reformation, then John Hus would be its father.
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JOHN KNOX - More than any other reformer, John Knox defied the Catholic Church and Europe’s aristocracies.
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KATHRYN KUHLMAN - In a time that was suspicious of both women ministers and Pentecostals, Kathryn Kuhlman shook twentieth-century Christianity back to its roots…
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JOHN G. LAKE - These words summarized the passion that propelled the life-long ministry of John G. Lake. He spoke these words in reference to the intensity of emotion he felt as his thirty-four year old sister lay dying…
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MARTIN LUTHER - Perhaps one of the most influential Germans ever to live, Martin Luther was instrumental in not only shaking loose fromthe foundations of the Catholic Church...
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AIMEE SEMPLE McPHERSON - Perhaps what Aimee Semple McPherson is most remembered for today is founding the Foursquare denomination that is still growing today…
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CHARLES PARHAM - In a time when divine healing and moves of the Spirit had scarcely been heard of, Charles Parham introduced the American church to the power available through pursuing a Spirit-filled life…
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EVAN ROBERTS - More than anything else, Evan Roberts was a man of prayer. Yes, the whole world felt the impact of revival that swept Wales from November 1904 through 1905...
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WILLIAM J. SEYMOUR - Best known for ushering in the Pentecostal Movement that began with the Azusa Street mission in 1906...
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WILLIAM ASHLEY “BILLY” SUNDAY - Began his career in the public eye as a professional baseball player, but he ended it as one of the most prominent and enigmatic evangelists in America in the early 1900s...
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CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON - With a voice that could captivate thousands, Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s eloquent and dynamic preaching brought understanding and freshness to the word of God for everyday people in nineteenth century London...
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SMITH WIGGLESWORTH - It is arguable that there is no more significant patriarch of the Pentecostal Movement than Smith Wigglesworth…
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MARIA WOODWORTH-ETTER - Within a short time after Maria Woodworth-Etter responded to God’s call to “go out in the highways and hedges and gather in the lost sheep,”...
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JOHN WYCLIFFE - Has been referred to as the “morning star” of the Great Reformation.
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